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I've been feeling bad all day since I read your post (Wed Apr 23 06:20:49 2003 )
_ [View profile ]

So I decided to post this, in the hope that it 
might help you reach closure.

I know this feeling.  I still think, frequently, 
15 months later, of a Jim and Aisha from Outlaw 
Star cel (kneeling together, Aisha's arm around 
Jim) that I lost 15 months ago under similar 
circumstances.  Back in those days, I was did not 
get up when it was still dark outside to monitor 
important cel auctions, like I do now.

So I do have some idea what you feel.

But my top dollar that I had worked out in 
advance for this Lime cel was 19,380.  And it's 
the only really nice Lime cel I've ever gotten;  
my very first really good one after a long time 
trying.  And this, from someone who spent weeks 
last year working on a Lime costume for someone 
close to me to wear at Otakon all 3 days (who was 
the best Lime that Otakon has ever seen, I will 

I treasure it greatly, and so I don't really want 
to go any more public, or connect any more 
closely, than this post.

I offer my regrets, and I hope this helps you 
reach closure and move on to new opportunities.

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