Hello. I'm not very new to anime, but I am new
to the art of buying anime cels. I have not
purchased any thus far.
When I came across this web site I noticed
several cels that I'd like to have. However, I'm
hesitant to buy.
How reliable is Animanga's services? Have any of
you who've purchased cels had them appraised or
verified that they are indeed real?
I do not mean to insult Animanga or anyone who
has dealt with them. Please forgive me if I've
done so. It's just that the cels I plan on
getting are a bit pricy and I want to make sure
that they are legitimate.
If anyone knows of any other good places to
obtain anime cels I would appreciate you posting
the link(s) so I may see for myself.
Thank you for any info you may be able to
supply, and I appreciate your help. |