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Sailor Moon auctions on ebay... listed some more! (Sun Apr 27 16:26:18 2003 )
Harry "K" [View profile ]

Hi Gang!

Well there's only one day left on the rare 
Eternal Sailor Moon PAN cel. HUGE! 10x16" PAN... 
unstuck BG & two matching unstuck pencil 
sketches. #A-1 END cel! She's listed @ $300.00... 
and I paid over $500. for her! I'm selling her to 
cover some fee's I incured from my cat passing 
away... that's the ONLY reason why I would think 
about letting this cel go. It's THAT nice!


I also listed more Sailor Moon cels onto ebay... 
most are just $4.99 - $9.99 and NO RESERVES. Plus 
there's a weird RANMA cel of a silly looking 
character "PHOENIX". Something about him HATCHING 
on some guys head and giving him the power of the 
PHOENIX... he's listed @ ONLY .99 CENTS!!! No 

Hope you all drop in...
Sincerely, Harry


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Message thread :
  • Sailor Moon auctions on ebay... listed some more! - Harry "K" (27 Apr 16h26)

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