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Last couple hours for auction - Escaflowne - Van (Sun May 11 02:53:37 2003 )
rekka [View profile ]

Just wanted to remind everybody about these 3 
really nice cels of Van that I have up on 
auction.  It was hard deciding to sell them, 
since I've had these particular ones for over 4 
years...  Anyway, the auction for these 3 cels 
will be ending in about 5 hours!  So get them 
while you can!  I also have a few other auctions 
that will be ending in a couple days.  If you 
have any questions about anything, please don't 
hesitate to contact me.  =)


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Message thread :
  • Last couple hours for auction - Escaflowne - Van - rekka (11 May 02h53)

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