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Insured cels..... (Mon May 12 15:01:48 2003 )
zerospace [View profile ]

Yep -- all of our cels are insured under our 
renter's policy (we live in an apartment).  If 
you are a homeowner, it should be covered (or you 
can request that it be) by your homeowners' 
policy.  You could also take out a separate 
policy just for your cels -- we have my hubby's 
camera insured on its own policy. (yeah, ok, 
shoot me.. my dad works in insurance & I used too 

Every so often update the insurance co. on how 
much $$ we have rolled into 'artwork' (that's 
what we're calling it), computer equipment (my 
other horribly expensive obsession) and camera 
equipment (the hubby's thing).  

So yes -- you can insure your cels, but I'd still 
grab mine in a fire since they are one of a kind 
& not replaceable. ^_^

And.. while I'm posting... I'm going to throw out 
a pic of one of my favorite (& most expensive) 


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