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I think I know what you're talking about. . . (Tue May 13 18:14:12 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


And I agree about the Yahoo Groups. I don't sign 
up for them because they create so much spam. 
(Actually, I sign up for them with an address for 
which I don't read the mail.)

Like someone else offered above, I could probably 
create a site similar to what you're looking for. 
(But I wouldn't be able to do it until I reduced 
my gallery back to it's usual size.) Still, a 
couple problems I see are:

1) Keeping it updated. (Both as things sell, or 
are taken off sale. Some people keep changing 
their minds about if they want to sell certain 
things or not. Some things sell very quickly and 
might be sold before being listed on the site.)

2) Keeping the size down. (There are many things 
that don't sell for a long time and the potential 
is very high for the site to get very big and/or 
create a lot of bandwidth use.)

Then there is also the issue of how cels "for 
offers" fit in. My inclination would be to not 
include them at all, and yet, that would defeat 
the purpose of the site to list everything that 
is available for sale.

I think what would work best would be a site that 
works like this:

1) Sellers can upload an image file themselves 
(without having to ask someone else to do it for 
them). Like here on Yann's forum, there would be 
a limit on the size of the image.

2) The images could be sorted by series either by 
there being a selection option to choose the 
series when listing the cel, or if the computer 
could be programmed to recognize a code put at 
the beginning of each image file name. Say, when 
a viewer clicks on "Vampire Miyu" on the sale 
site, the computer shows all listings with image 
file names starting with "VMYU" (or somesuch). 
(Of course, this means sellers would have to give 
the image the right name before listing it.)

3) The sellers enter up to a certain number of 
words describing the cel, including: price, 
presence of a sketch, condition, etc. (I say "a 
certain number of words" so that desciptions 
don't start to go on forever and ever and ever. 
The idea here is: "short and sweet".)

4) There would be no options for buying the cel 
from the actual "cels for sale" site. Potential 
buyers would click a link that would send them to 
the seller's personal sale page and all dealings 
would be conducted privately. All the seller's 
shipping fees, payment options, contact info, and 
other requirements would be listed only on their 
private site. (Not the larger "group" sale site.)

This is just an idea and isn't foolproof. The 
main problem I see would be that it would be the 
seller's responsibility to delete the images of 
cels that had sold.

Not to mention, I'm incapable of programming 
something like this. ;;;^_^;;;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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