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**Read on if interested in going to the cel round-up at Anime Central** (Sun May 11 14:09:08 2003 )
Nikki [View profile ]

nnabozny at ameritech.net

There has been a room reserved for us at the 
convention center to hold the Cel Round-Up at 
Acen!  It will be in Delta A, which is right 
across from Video 6(Allegheny A/B).  Also, the 
gathering will be held at 8pm on Friday!  Keep 
an eye out for some fliers at the con 
advertising the cel gathering if you can't 
remember where it is, because I am going to be 
making some.  Hope to see you all there!


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Message thread :
  • **Read on if interested in going to the cel round-up at Anime Central** - Nikki (11 May 14h09)

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