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Leaving the hobby and selling most of my collection... T_T (Tue May 13 23:46:15 2003 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Hi minna-san,

Well this is it--Kaerra is leaving cel collecting 
for real this time... T_T  I can't afford to 
continue it now that school's close to finished 
(one more quarter and that's it), I'm getting 
married and we have to save up money for more 
domestic things (like a house one day, although 
that feels like it'll never happen... : P).  So 
anyway, I'm keeping about 10-15 cels in my 
collection and selling everything else.  That 
includes cels I have had for years with a big fat 
NFS tag on them.  Everything is updated on the 
sale page at my main website.  If a cel isn't 
there, I'm planning on keeping it.


So here's the basic run-down of what's new on the 
sale page:

I've added a section of high-end Rayearth and 
Slayers cels that are open for offers now.  I 
can't bring myself to add prices to them yet... 
too painful to be quitting collecting still.  So 
email me with your offers.  They're mostly at the 
bottom of the page.  
I'm running a sale for the next two weeks, ending 
at midnight on the 27th, so all the cels that 
were on the sale page before I updated today now 
have reduced prices (newly added cels will not).  
I'll probably move cels left over to ebay in 
June, since I need cash quickly for my wedding 
budget overflow and our honeymoon in October (to 
Scotland yay!!!).  If you see anything you're 
interested in, even if the price is higher than 
you want or can pay, email me and maybe we can 
figure something out.  But please don't email me 
asking if I will sell you spell-casting Zelgadis 
for $50, because I won't.  That's less than I 
paid for it 3 years ago, so you get the point.

The rubberslug site is updated, you can check it 
out if you like.  All the remaining NFS tags are 
cels I plan to keep.  I suppose if someone's 
really dying for one of them, email me with an 
offer, but don't be upset if I say no.  I can 
already tell you that the 3 NFS cels in Inuyasha 
and the OVA Ferio aren't going anywhere, no 
matter what I'm offered.  But the rest you might 
have a chance on for the right price.  : P


It's been fun being part of the cel community, 
although I lurk for a great deal of the time.  
I'll still check by the forum from time to time.  
But the major drive to collect has left me, I'm 
afraid... :probably should be rejoicing at this, 
but is too bummed to at the moment:

Thanks for all the fun, minna-san!  


PS. Here's one of my new Slayers cels that's up 
for offers...

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Message thread :
  • Leaving the hobby and selling most of my collection... T_T - kaerra (13 May 23h46)

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