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Re: Re: Re: Re: Akon cel meeting? Anyone? (Fri May 23 10:11:13 2003 )
Relena Yui [View profile ]

I was just thinking, if you guys would like to 
meet for a cel gathering at our table, that way 
we wouldn't have to leave the kon and all, then 
we can also teach anyone who's interested how to 
paint fancels.  Ic an bring a few sheets of 
acetate along, some brushes and my paint.  We can 
even open up our table for that for a full day if 
you guys would like, anyday you guys would like.  
and do quick lessons on how to draw basic anime 
characters and all that, that could be a lot of 
fun, besides sitting there and selling prints all 
day can get to be pretty boring, it will be fun 
to meet with a bunch of anime fans and just have 
cel/anime discussions.  If that sounds cool 
please let me know and I will bring a bunch of 
art supplies along ^___________^

Relena Yui

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