I'm in northeastern US, and not only is the moon
nearly full (I think we're less than 24 hours off
from a full moon), but we also are getting to see
a full lunar eclipse! Full lunar eclipses are
rare enough, and to have one during the full
moon?? *^_^*
But it makes me kind of sad that I can't find a
single person who seems to care. My husband
wouldn't come out to see (actually, he went to
sleep) and my parents went to sleep too. So I'm
standing out in the cold in my blanket watching
the sky. Again. (I was the one wrapped in a ball
of blankies out on my deck during the meteor
shower last winter too. ^_^;;) So. . . Show me
some cels of the moon to look at when I come in
again to defrost! ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (retrieving her blankie from off the
heater. . .)