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To the person who got Narumon422 (Raphael w/ shaded eyes) at Anime Chaos (Sat May 24 04:54:55 2003 )
Charon NLI [View profile ]


For the lucky person who bought 
Narumon422 at Anime Chaos' recent update, if
you'd ever *ever* consider selling at profit or
trading the cel, please let me know (or if you
just want to show off so I can know where to go
ogle it.) I've got a large off-line Tenshi ni
Narumon (amongst other series) cel collection that
I'd be willing to scan in, if trading would pique
your interest.

Thanks for everyone's time!


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Message thread :
  • To the person who got Narumon422 (Raphael w/ shaded eyes) at Anime Chaos - Charon NLI (24 May 04h54)

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