I almost always let a dealer know if I see a
mistake in a cel ID. At least the first time. If
I write to them again about later misidentified
cels depends on how the given dealer responded to
the first time I wrote.
Anyhow, most dealers seem to ignore messages of
that nature. But not all ignore it! Some are
grateful to have mistakes in the description
pointed out before someone buys the cel and then
complains the information was incorrect. So I
would say, write to the dealer and let them know.
But before writing, make sure *you* know your
stuff inside and out. For example, if you're
writing to tell them a cel isn't an OP, first
make sure you've seen *EVERY* different opening
for the given series. For longer series, this can
be as many as five or more different OPs. Also be
sure you've seen the *original* OPs. Domestic
releases are almost all edited in some way and
pieces of the opening may have been cut. (I'm
told this happened with Lost Universe.)
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (cleaning house. . . bah. . . ~_~)