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I guess that would be me... (Sun May 25 04:29:39 2003 )
chipn (nli) [View profile ]

I think that I'm beginning to get a serious guilt 
complex....  This is the fourth time in the last 
3 - 4 weeks that I've made waves here by 
purchasing a cel (Melfina, Suzuka, SMJ Lime, 
Ryoko).  Making people feel bad is the farthest 
thing from my intentions, but I seem to be doing 
it a lot lately.

But to business -- it will be in my Rubber SLug 
gallery when I get it opened up, which I hope 
will be soon.  But I've been a bit overwhelmed by 
the time it takes to upload and annotate each 
cel, and to get the gallery fit for public 
viewing.  I hope to make more progress this long 

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