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Re: hollar hollar hollar... or should it be aloha? (Sun May 25 11:09:42 2003 )
Agent_Of_Solaris [View profile ]

Hey There everyone!!  It's great to know there are more 
of us out here!

  As far as buying cels, I get all of mine online, from 
ebay or private dealers.  I haven't really found anyplace 
here to get them-- I think there's a cel shop in Waikiki, or 
something, but specializing in Disney and Warner Bros.  
They're probably not woth the effort to find, however, 
because if memory serves, their selection isn't good at 
all, and the prices are h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e.

Are most of you folks from Oahu?  I'm over here in Aiea.

As for the Sci-Fi Convention, if it's on a Saturday or 
Sunday, I can't make it.  I work every weekend.  If we all 
planned on something way ahead of time, though, I 
could see if I could get some free time.  I think it would 
be cool to meet other collectors.

It would be great if we could somehow organize 
conventions here--anyone know who we could contact 
about that?

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