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fear that my cel may be lost.... please post your stories (Sat May 31 02:26:36 2003 )
nawlins7 [View profile ]

Recetly I won a cel on yahoo japan using a deputy 
service and I watched as the bid status showed 
the seller was paid and the cel was listed as 
delievered to the deputy, I requested delivery so 
that I wouldn't wait a month for it, but the 
delivery page never showed it shipped, so I was 
afraid that my request didn't go through, I 
wanted a few days and requested again, still 
nothing changed, I assumed they were backlogged 
from golden week ..... yesterday I requested for 
the third time and today I got a response telling 
me to read the faq (I did several times) and not 
to request till it arrives in the warehouse, 
feeling stupid, I went back to my bid history and 
sure enough it does show that it should be in the 
hands of the deputy service and in their 
warehouse. I have emailed the deputy and now I am 
waiting impatiently for an answer. My stomach is 
knotted up and I want to believe that it was just 
an error and that they do have my cel but fear is 
creeping over me that my beloved cel may be lost 

Has anyone else had this happen and was your cel 

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