Just wanted to put out my request for Yukito
(Card Captor Sakura) cels again. I just haven't
been finding ones that strike my fancy all that
much lately even though I'd really like some
more - so if you have any you'd like to sell or
accept offers on, just post or email me and let
me know. I'm looking for higher-end cels but
may like small cels if the price is right. ^_^
While I'm here I might as well throw in that I'm
looking for yaoi CCS doujinshi - I have yet to
find any that are more than just "innocent"
(which really surprises me).. so if anyone has
any that are a bit more graphic, just drop me a
line. Shounen-ai/Yaoi Tenshi ni Narumon, too.
And while I'm here *ahem*, remember that 2 CCS
cels are on ebay at the moment, a Yue and a
Sakura, under the name vamppire*chan.
Thanks ^_^ |