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Takamura Store : Saint seiya, DBZ, Sailor Moon... (Tue Jan 10 16:24:20 2006
Aurelien from takamura-store.c [View profile
Happy New year 2006!!!!
Here is the first cels update of the year :
Ghibli :
Section : Cels before 1980 :
UFO Grandizer (Goldorak)
Conan Future Boy (Conan Fils du Futur)
Section : Cels from 1981 to 1985 :
Fist of the north star (Ken le survivant)
Ohayo Spank (Claire et Tipoune)
Vampire Hunter D 1985
Captain Tsubasa (Olive et Tom)
Section : Cels de 1986 a 1990 :
Saint Seiya (Chevaliers du Zoodiac)
City Hunter (Nicky Larson)
Samourai Troopers (Samourai de l'eternelle)
Ranma 1/2
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Section : Cels from 1991 to 1995 :
Video Girl Ai
Sailor Moon
Fatal Fury
Section : Cels from 1996 to 2004 :
Card Captor Sakura
Gokudo Kun
Hyper Police
We hope that you will like it
best regards
Message thread :
- Takamura Store : Saint seiya, DBZ, Sailor Moon... - Aurelien from takamura-store.c (10 Jan 16h24)