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Help with YJ auction, please! Attn: NFW774 (Tue Jun 10 23:31:15 2003 )
4_degree [View profile ]

Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone here can 
help me... I found a sketch from one of my cels 
in a lot on Yahoo Japan. I was thrilled at the 
chance of possibly reuniting the two, but... 
someone else has bid on both cel lots. I don't 
want to start a bidding war because I only want 
the one sketch and I'd really like to try and 
find a way to get in touch with the person before 
the auction ends to see if we can work out a deal 
that he (or she) can have all the sketches but 
the one that matches my cel... Can anyone 
possibly help? Here's the auction page: 
If I must compete for the sketch I gladly will, 
but it seems a shame to possibly not be able to 
match the cel with its sketch. I've already put 
in my bid but I'm fearful of a bidding war 
driving the price up.
Thanks everyone for any help you might be able to 

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Message thread :
  • Help with YJ auction, please! Attn: NFW774 - 4_degree (10 Jun 23h31)

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