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Viruses from visiting a cel site, be careful! (Tue Jun 10 09:11:15 2003 )
Robin [View profile ]

Hey everyone, 

  I am not a computer expert, which I'm sure will 
become apparent while I try to explain what 
happened. I was looking at the galleries on pages 
16-19 of the cels.org galleries. While I was 
doing that, norton antivirus popped up and said 
that I picked up a virus. I didn't see anything 
download, and it just appeared in my temporary 
internet files while surfing the cel sites. The 
temporary file name was cel3 or something along 
those lines. I've already removed the virus from 
my computer with the help of techincal support 
and don't recall the exact name. This virus is 
one that can be spread just from looking at 
websites. Here is the link to the information 
about this particular virus that norton antivirus 
gave me as well as instructions to deal with it.  


   I'm sorry that I can't pinpoint the exact 
site, but I only looked at sites on pages 16-19 
of the cels.org galleries, so it came from one of 
those sites. I'm sorry if this post causes any 
problems for people whose sites are on those 
pages, since this post is only intended to help 
everyone avoid this virus that infected my 
computer and find out its source. If you have a 
site on one of those pages, you should definately 
update your virus protection programs and scan 
them to make sure that you aren't.

Take care,

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Message thread :
  • Viruses from visiting a cel site, be careful! - Robin (10 Jun 09h11)

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