Perhaps someone of you can help me finding a cel
that I am missing for some month.
I won that cel at Yahoo but never got it and it
looks like that nobody knows where it is.
It was a Hanken Mono cel of Digi-ko for a trading
card (I attach the scan of the cel below), cel
was normal-sized.
Please look through all your cel bags that you
did not open until now, look through your
freebies and through your unknown cels.
What could have happened?
- The cel was sent to the wrong bidder
together with other cels and he thought it is a
- The cel was put into a cel bag with
another cel and the seller did not notice this
- You thought it is fan cel or merchandise
for free and did not think it is a production cel
- The cel is lying in a corner of your room
and you do not know what to do with this wrong
cel you got
Please dare to tell it and don’t think I am
angry, I would be very, very happy about and be
sure that the honest finder will get a big
present from me!!!
The same thing happened to me one year ago – I
got some cels from a well known series and
thought these are just merchandising. After some
month I recognized that they are expensive
reproduction cels and sent them back.
So, if you can help, please do it. Thank’s in
advance! ^^