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Wheee, science! Thanks, all! (Tue Jun 17 17:54:43 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

...not just for the round of great cels, which
never fails to make me drool, but for all the
happy thoughts and well wishes.  Dad is doing
quite well, and mum says he's already getting
ornery about wearing his arm sling, so it sounds
like things are rapidly approaching normal. 
*grin*  She'll have quite the task ahead of her,
keeping him on his new diet.  She'll succeed
though... she plays dirty.  (Evil is inherited. 
*even larger, toothy grin*)

I've spent almost all of the last 24 hours asleep,
catching up on all the shut-eye I've been missing
lately.  So now it's off to my inbox, with hip
waders and a rake.  *insert email battle cry here*
 Thanks again, all, and a round of virtual hugs
and cookies for the forum!!

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