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Updates and Auctions Again! (Tue Jun 17 21:19:07 2003 )
Jasmine Sailing [View profile ]

Hrm... started typoing my way into a line of 
asterisk profanity at the end of the subject, 
which might actually have been appropriate.

I'm still doing a little updating pretty 
regularly.  Recent gallery additions have included 
a very nice sequence (part of it, I have more to 
scan) of Koganei and Shiju + a Mikagami wish list 
cel (Flame of Recca), a Lina-Horse casting Dragon 
Slave (Slayers), Karasu and Kurama fighting (Yu Yu 
Hakusho), Touya as Cinderella and the Prince + a 
Yukito (Card Captor Sakura).  I'll be adding a 
bunch of CCS and Ayashi no Ceres, plus a little 
Weiss Kreuz (and who knows what else), over the 
next couple of weeks.

I'll still be running auctions regularly through 
all of July.  Many have ended since late May, but 
many are always being added.  Current auctions, 
and soon to be auctions, include Aya (Weiss 
Kreuz), Xellos + Gaav + Joe (Slayers), Yukina + 
human Koenma + Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho), Megumi 
(Rurouni Kenshin), Ryoko with Sasami & Ryo-Ohki + 
Washu (Tenchi), etc.  Later today I'll add a group 
Weiss cel and a Queen Beryl (Sailor Moon).  
Probably MUCH later today, as I have a lot to get 

Please keep checking back!  There'll be a lot more 
added to the auction page.


-Haggard Jasmine, sick of selling

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Message thread :
  • Updates and Auctions Again! - Jasmine Sailing (17 Jun 21h19)

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