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Looking for X/1999 cels + question (Fri Jun 20 22:31:53 2003 )
olivier nli [View profile ]


I have been checking almost everyday for months. 
It never happened that no nice X/1999 cel comes 
out for so much time - I'd say 6 months at least. 
Is it just bad luck ? (and then they will 
probably all come out at the same time !) So if 
you have something nice for sale/trade/offer 
please let me know.

In those moments I would like to be able to go to 
conventions in the US, I often read messages on 
this forum of people saying they found something 
great in those places. Maybe someone is trying to 
sell something I would like but I'll never know 
it !

Did that ever happen to you concerning the series 
you are collecting cels from ?

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Message thread :
  • Looking for X/1999 cels + question - olivier nli (20 Jun 22h31)

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