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Okay, let's try this again... (Fri Jun 20 18:29:55 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

Since absolutely nobody nibbled on the Slayers or
Tylor cels, I guess it's time to try a more recent
series, and hope people are more interested in that.

Several folks have commented here on my
acquisition of Naruto sketches, so here's
your chance to nab a couple of your own.  And help
a fuzzy li'l mouse hunter along the way.

Each one of these is up for grabs to the highest
offer, and there is no minimum offer required.  So
if you want them, let me know!  ^_^

The first sketch is Naruto's object du crush,
Sakura.  She's staring at a couple of ninja who
seem to have treed Sasuke.

The second one is Hokage's grandson, Konohamaru, in the midst of his usual activity -- tripping over his own feet. *grin*

I'm accepting offers on each until tomorrow midnight, and all proceeds will go to Schmecky's kitty medical fund. In addition, there will be no fee for Priority Mail shipping within the US or for worldwide airmail (or $10 off Global Priority, if preferred), because that is being kindly donated by buma (yay buma!). So offer the max you want, and it all goes to Schmecky. Keeping our fingers crossed, and sending virtual skritches to Tama-kitty!

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