The answer is no, only the production cels has
it, Studio Pierrot reproduction cels never have
these seals ON them, instead repro cels has black
stamp on the green frame, not the cel, most of
them say anime fair 2000, or something similar, I
am too lazy to check.
I actually live in Tokyo Japan, Angel run the
site, I provide the goods, extremely hard work I
tell you, it is really not easy to get good cels
now days in Japan, since every private collector
or dealers seems to do YJ instead of sellng to
good old custormers from oversea, I have attended
almost all the Studio Pierrot events in the last
2 years, never seen a single reproduction cel
with the gold seal ON the cel.
As a huge studio pierrot fan and collector, I
love studio production cels with gold seal, and
frankly I prefer ones with it, simply, because it
looks nice, it can be removed, but you will
damage the seal, so it is completely tamper proof.
Hope this helps, I will need find time to send
Angel cels for next update.
take care