(god help me, it's even making my cursor
vibrate! Turn the dang thing OFF!)
Here are mine. The tone is not to be taken
seriously, but the annoyance is real.
For the love of Pete:
1) If the last time you updated a section in your
store was a year ago, you can TAKE DOWN the
dancing "New!" logo!
2) It IS possible to alphabetize things, so that
your buyers aren't getting even more myopic
trying to sift through series listings.
3) I'm very happy that you have a sub-selection
of really nifty cels from various series (as
opposed to just the regular run-of-the-mill grade
cels) but it would be SO much nicer to see all of
what you have from a series in ONE place! I'm
ever so much more likely to burn what's left of
my paycheck at your store if I don't have to go
on a serious scavenger hunt just to figure out
what you have.
4) Unrelated peeve: Updates that trigger keep
track just because a) someone bought a cel; b)
you did a review of a DVD (I really don't care
what YOU think, I'll decide on my own, thanks)
but you don't have any new cels; or c) announce
auctions on eBay. I think I can manage to search
eBay on my own, thanks.
and finally -- and this goes for everyone, even
5) Just because you CAN do something with a
computer, doesn't mean you SHOULD!! Letters that
follow my cursor around the screen just piss me
off. Forty-five waving dancing grinning icon
things on a page just use up bandwidth and
likewise, piss me off. It doesn't make your
design any better or any flashier. Sometimes the
best approach is the simplest.
Thank you, I feel better now. |