Well...I saw NONE of what anyone was looking for
Sorry all!!!
I saw some incredible cels though...Mainly
hankens...Too expensive for my wallet
though...But...Yet Again...Tomo has managed to
sell me the most expensive cel yet...I should
have the package containing it by monday...And
it's an incredible Eva cel of Misato...He also
pulled out of the cel pile an incredible cel of
Hinoto from the X/1999 movie...Both of these
combined cost me an arm and a leg...So...Feel
free to shoot me offers on cels in my
gallery...Dunno if I'll accept though....I can
pay these off...But I always like having a little
extra cash around....
Anyway...If you've been waiting to get in touch
with me...Feel free to do so now, and when I
receive my cels...I'll post em on up =)!
~Sarah |