There are a total of 4 tapes.
- Gundam Wing Operation Meteor Odd Numbers I
- Gundam Wing Operation Meteor Even Numbers I
- Gundam Wing Operation Meteor Odd Numbers II
- Gundam Wing Operation Meteor Even Numbers II
The tapes are basically a recollection of the TV
series through the eyes of the 5 pilots and other
main characters (Relena, Zechs, Treize and I
_think_ Lady Une). The "odd numbers" tapes focus
on Heero, Trowa, and Wufei while the "even
numbers" tapes focus on Duo, Quatre and other
characters (though their clips are not as long as
the 5 pilots' clips). These tapes are divided
into two parts, the first half of the TV series
(Odd Numbers I and Even Numbers I) and the second
half of the TV series (Odd Numbers II and Even
Numbers II.)
All 4 tapes consists of about 15 mins of new
footage, such as Heero flying back to MO-II right
after he destroys the last piece of Libra (Odd
Numbers I), Trowa talking to Catherine through a
vid-com after he lands on MO-II (Odd Numbers I),
Quatre waking up in MO-II's medical room (Even
Numbers I), Duo bringing champagne to "celebrate"
with Trowa and Quatre (Even Numbers II), Wufei
leaving MO-II after having a short chat with
Heero (Even Numbers II), etc. It's been a long
time since I've watch my tapes, so I can't
remember much...
As for where to find the tapes, I bought my set
(second-hand) when I went to Japan a few years
ago. If you know someone who lives in Japan, it's
best to ask them to search through second hand
anime goods store (K-Books or Mandarake).
Otherwise, you can probably wait for a set on
Cheryl |