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Ouch....did someone beat you in the head at AX? (Wed Jul 2 23:15:03 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

I dont really like cons myself anymore...they're 
attracting the type of crowds I dont really like 
to be around (i.e. 17 yr old wannabe punks and 
goths who were raised in barns...and smell like 
it to boot).  However...some people really jive 
on the whole con experience, they like the 
action and the crowds.  If I were to go to AX, 
it'd be strictly for the experience.  I want to 
go just once to say I've been there. In any 
case, just because you hated it, doesnt mean 
everyone else will.  AX has been a tradition for 
anime collectors for years, and it'll only get 
worse from here.  I must say, I will miss the 
S3xy 16 yr old sk8r boiz wearing Tenchi shirts 
and Inu-ears...they're sooooooo kool!  

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