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You've got to be kidding me... (Thu Jul 3 04:48:12 2003 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

I swear to f'ing...

I've been nothing but nice to the people coming 
and going through this forum...But...I 
swear...I'm fed up with shiteaters like you.  I 
bet I've even helped you out in the past.

I am so SICK AND TIRED of shit showing up like 
this on the forum.  People being mean to each 
other.  Newbies asking questions, and getting 
reamed a new one...Instead of being politely 
filled in.  I swear...I'm fed up with the way 
some people act on this forum.  You know...I just 
have to laugh at some of the things that go on in 
this forum...It makes me laugh cause I'm so 
disgusted at it.

Yeah...There are a few things in my collection I 
wouldn't even consider parting with...Things I 
want to pass onto my kids.  But...If it really 
came down to it having to be done...I WOULD.  
But...In this situation, only a certain amount 
would be appreciated by my family.  So, I'm not 
strapped to sell off all the things I love.

Next time you feel to post you're moron opinion 
on this board...Find yourself a pair of balls and 
do so with a name...So I know where to find you.  
I love discussing opinions with 
people...Especially with people who have nothing 
better to do with their brain instead of sit here 
and try to stand on the ashes of others lives.  
Come outta that sheepskin of yours, 
otherwise....SHUT THE HELL UP.

To everyone else...Sorry for the explicit nature 
of this post, but I feel it needed to be said.  
And I'll take back nothing I've said.  Unlike 
other "oxymoron" anon posters...I've found my 
balls and am prepared to fight for what I've said.

I've known a lot of you for almost 10 years, and 
I know you've noticed it too.  I really don't see 
the need for all this hatred towards others when 
they come to us with questions about a Y!J 
Auction or Pocket(don't even get me started on 
Pocket...).  Instead of it all flaring up, how 
hard is it to post something friendly, or e-mail 
them privately on the matter?  I do it all the 
time.  It takes 5 minutes outta my day.

Collecting cels has been a great experience for 
me so far in my life, and I must say...The only 
bad part about it is the crap that goes on 
through here.  Boards like this are created to 
share, and help people...Not hate them or degrade 

Alright...I'll stop b4 I start writing a mini-

If I don't get back to people on their offers for 
a bit...I'm sorry...I'll be next to my 
grandfather...In the hospital...Who just had a 
stroke...Who may not be alive in the next 6 
months...Cause old stroke victims usually have a 
MAJOR blow-out by that time...

Feel Better now anon poster?  "F" You.

~Sarah K.(Ms. Poe)

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