I have a partial Fruits Basket character settei
copy set for sale. Contains:
1 sheet of everyone
2 of character eyes
15 sheets of Tohru
8 of Yuki, 1 of Yuki in nezumi form
8 of Kyo, 1 of Kyo in neko form
3 of Shigure, 1 of Shigure in inu form
4 other (friends, Tohru's mom, etc.)
I paid $70 for the set, but I'm willing to accept
a "best offer."
I also have a set of Weiss settei from the
original TV show. I'm not sure if these were
actually used for making the show, or a product
made for sale later (they came very neatly
stapled). Contains:
2 of Aya
2 of Yohji
2 of Omi
2 of Ken
1 of Nagi
1 of Crawford
1 of Schuldig
1 of Farfarello
3 of Weiss together
1 of Schwarz together
1 each of the Schrient girls
1 of all Schrient
2 of Manx
1 each of the boys' weapons and Omi's mike/ear
I paid $60 for the set, but again, I'll take
a "best offer."
If you have any questions or want to see scans,
drop me an e-mail.