I've found the dream cel I Have to have- So my
cels must go. I posted some earlier. Below is the
list of cels I definately want to sell the most
and the prices I'd really like to get for them.
These prices are a fraction of what I paid for
them. The prices are Very Very negotiable
(especill when buying multiples. After listing
the cels that I most want to sell, I'll list some
that I'm a bit reluctant in selling- I'll take
offers on anything not priced. Remember
everything's negotible!!!! Please help me aquire
the cel of my dreams!!!
Cels I want to sell:
Rayearth, Alycione $50.00
Rayearth, Clef $100.00
Sailormoon, Calaveras $50.00
Sailormoon Saffiru $40.00
Mezzoforte, Momomi (no pic) $70
Shamanic Prinncess, Sara $40.00
These are cels that i don't want to sell as much
as the above-but if it was a good and fair price-
I'll consider it and negotite with you
Sailormoon, Superchibimoon
Sailormoon, Kaolinite
I also have some X cels and more SM cels
please e-mail me with requests for pics or with
questions or with offers. I'd really rather avoid
e-bay. Plese remeber ANYTHING is negotible!!!!