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FOR SALE: Escaflowne, Tenchi, El Hazard, Ayashi no Ceres + more! (Sun Jul 6 20:58:20 2003 )
two-for-neptune [View profile ]


More than 1/2 of the prices were recently 
lowered (some not much, but at least a little). 
Also some anime VHS, DVD, and other goods. 

As the site says, feel free to make offers. 
Prices are what I'd like to get in a perfect 
world, but if the world were perfect I wouldn't 
be selling anything cos I'd still have a job. ^_~

If you see something you like, use the 
order/offer form (found through the payment and 
shipping info page)... that is, if it's working. 
I host with Yahoo, and they make me mad now and 
then. If the form doesn't work, email me 
(there's links to email on the sale page).

Thanks! ^_^

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Message thread :
  • FOR SALE: Escaflowne, Tenchi, El Hazard, Ayashi no Ceres + more! - two-for-neptune (06 Jul 20h58)

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