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OT post: Calling all anime fans, Bebop fans in particular! Your help is needed! (Wed Jul 9 21:27:52 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Okay, I really really hope I dont get into 
trouble for this, but I feel it's a worthy 
issue.  It doesnt regard cels, but it does 
regard anime, and fanart, and RIPPING PEOPLE 
OFF.  Those are common topics here right?  Well, 
Id like to ask for everyone's help in stopping a 
company from selling a wonderful lady's idea 
without giving her any credit.  

Ufocatcher.com's custom anime plush artist 
extraordinaire, Hatsuko Mitsumori, has requested 
that fans of her work post this info on BBS and 
boards, as well as their websites.  I being a 
huge fan of her work, I am eager to help.  The 
lowdown is that she has accepted a commercial 
contract to make anime plush for release here in 
the states.  However, a woman at her company has 
stolen one of her best designs:  Ed and Ein from 
CBebob.  Because they this woman has senority 
over Hatsukoi, she is now getting credit for her 
work (even tho the company fully knows the 
design is Hatsukoi's), and Hatsukoi will not see 
a dime from sales of this doll. Baka!

Hatsukoi works very hard on these dolls, and 
they are the best custom dolls in the country, 
if not the wooooorld, buwahaha!  Anyways, she 
deserves credit for her art and time.  So, 
please visit the above link and post 
her "There's a hair in my ice-cream" banner on 
your websites, with a link to the post.  You 
guys, I know you dont like it when people copy 
your cels and fanart, so please show your 
support m(__)m  '__'  m(__)m  

Thanks yawl!!!!!  And please spread the word 
among friends and other BBSs!  We must stop the 

Link to post is above, and here:



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Message thread :
  • OT post: Calling all anime fans, Bebop fans in particular! Your help is needed! - mouse nli (09 Jul 21h27)

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