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Cat jumped on keyboard, heh... message is here. (Furuba sketch :) (Sun Jul 13 00:35:42 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

A wonderful, wonderful friend of mine brought me
just the cuuuuuutest Yuki sketch from Anime Expo!
 *huggles it, and long-distance huggles the
sweetie who got it for her*  :)  I'll scan it this
week when the heat lets up and my computer room
doesn't seem so much like summer on Venus.  *sweats*

For now, though, I'm feeling all kinds of happy
(despite being in day two of a nasty case of food
poisoning -- make sure to wash your veggies
carefully, boys and girls), and would like to
share a bit of that happiness.

I remember that a couple of other folks here were
saying that they wanted a Yuki sketch, but had
missed the ones on Anime Game?  Well, here's your
chance.  :)  I only need one shot of the bishy
li'l thing, and that's going to be this wonderful
prezzie sketch.  *still huggling it*

So my first Yuki is up for grabs!

It's a pan sketch, wider than normal, and features
Kagura hugging Yuki to prove that cursed Sohmas
can hug other cursed Sohmas.  :)  His expression
is typically gorgeous here.

I have a fairly extensive wishlist and an even
wider taste in anime, so I'm hoping that somebody
makes a nice trade offer for the mouse-boy and his
porcine hanger-on.  *wuvs trades*  If not... well,
money is okay as well.  (It helps buy more cels,
heh.)  But a tasty trade would be very cool indeed!

Any interest?  :)

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