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Gallery Information, and Offers/Sales Updates... (Thu Jul 17 03:40:31 2003 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Well, I've updated my gallery to reflect all that 
will never be sold away from now on(Well...Unless 
I go poor or something...).

I've put everything I'm going to part with under 
the Offer, Sales, and E-bay section.  Please 
check that section out.  

Also, I had a TON of people inquiring on the 
Zetsuai Mvid cel set on E-bay...And NO ONE ever 
bid.  The price on E-bay was a hell of a bargain, 
and I'm not going any lower on their prices.  
And, if you want them seperately...The prices 
will be higher as refelceted on the Sales page on 
my site.  If they don't end up selling...I WILL 
keep them for good...As a matter of fact...I'm 
seriously considering it.

For all those who are paying off cels still...


No...Not for months...But maybe a week or a bit 
more.  I'm gonna try to check my e-mail where 
I'll be but no gaurantees. I've sent out packages 
that have been paid for in full already, and may 
be able to get to the PO by Friday for one last 
send off if someone doesn't want to wait a few 
weeks for thier package.  If you have any 
questions or concerns in this matter...PLEASE e-
mail me before FRIDAY AFTERNOON!  After 
that...Like I said...I'm not sure if I'll be able 
to get back to you before I return.  But...All 
Paypal payments can still be sent...I'm just not 
sure if I'll be able to confirm it before I get 
back in town...Same goes for checks, MO, IPMO 
sent through the mail.

Don't worry Everyone...You can wait to send 
payment until I give everyone the thumbs up when 
I get back if you want...I'm too nice ;)~!  I 
just don't want everyone wondering what the hell 
happened to me...

I just need to leave town for awhile...Too much 
crap has piled up around me, and it's hard to see 
straight anymore...So...I'm getting away from it 
all for awhile to think about everything clearly 
at the Lake of the Ozarks^^'!  Later All!

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