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Glass and fish... very rare on cels... MEANING: SM! (Fri Jul 18 02:38:35 2003 )
Sessha no Bunzai [View profile ]

Glass & fish: I sell fish to travel to Japan next 
month. I was wiping the glass of the displays... 
you open those like a car trunk, but they're more 
likely to CRASH down which one did... I and MANY 
customers could have gotten severely injured by 
the small shards bursting from the frame. It 
literally exploded! Ofcourse, all the delicious, 
great fish was ruined, even those which didn't 
get hit but might have... seawolf, St Jacob 
clams, maatjes hering,... all to the garbage ;__; 
All departments, be it bakery, cleaning "ladies" 
(MEN) or helpdesk, all came to help me clean up 
the mess and comfort me... "It wasn't your 
fault!", "This piece of junk was poorly 
aligned!", "The poor girl could have been 
injured!",... I won't have to pay any of the 
$1500 (estimate by yours truly) damage, but I 
feel I should... I *was* careless... 
I don't give a damn about the glass, but all the 
great fish... people love those maatjes, and all 
were ruined... I hope I won't see slime eal 
(personnel boss) and Marc (my fish department no-
humour-or-patience boss) so soon...
(those windows do explode from time to time 
without anybody touching them though... CLOSED..)

I'm so clumsy... just yesterday, I half-broke my 
boss's skull... (well, serves him right! That 
jerk sells rotten fish and won't let me remove 
that junk.)

So at the occasion, would anyone like to show off 
cels with glass or fish in them?
(or clumsy redheads?)

Sessha no bunzai (opposite of "Ore-sama" for the 

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