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*sniffle* *sniffle* Depressed Show Me! (Mon Jul 21 06:29:24 2003 )
lynxa [View profile ]



I find my A number one dream cel on sale (thanks 
for pointing it out despite the angst nesuferit) 
and I can't afford it because it costs about a 
months rent!!!!!!  AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

And I'm not allowed to have a job my first year 
or they'll kick me out so there's no WAY I can 
make enough money to buy it. *sob*  If I had a 
car I'd sell it.  I've tried but no one wants to 
buy my mom ;P

So show me the most depressed cels you've got to 
make me feel better (this should coincide nicely 
with the happy thread going on!).  I have to 
know that somewhere, if even in someone's 
imagination, there are people more unhappy than 
me right now...

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