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Re: Boy do I know that feeling . . . (Wed Jul 23 14:57:27 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

Lately I have been a bit better at it, but I used
to stay up all night long EVERY night waiting for
site updates and YJ more than anything.  And what
is worse, I literally SLEEP with my computer on
(the computer is right next to my bed and it got
to where I can't even sleep without it being on)!!
It was starting to take a toll on me too which is
why I started backing down a bit.  For YJ
auctions, I decided to just place my ULTIMATE
maximum bid a few hours before and don't watch the
auction until AFTER it ends.  That way I won't be
able to see someone beating me and I won't be
tempted to get into a bidding war.  It also
discourages the other bidders to get into a "war"
when they keep on losing after their 15th bid! I
HATE those bidding wars and I ESPECIALLY hate
those auto-extention times that YJ offers.  UGH! 
No mroe snipers . . . :O(

I managed to get a full night sleep today though
since Anime Museum had an early update!  :oP

Star Phoenix

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