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Update cels Takamura Store : Naruto, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, Chobit (Mon Mar 20 15:21:03 2006
Aurelien from takamura-store.c [View profile
Here are the series updated / Voici les series
mises a jour :
Leiji Matsumoto's Works :
Captain Harlock (Albator)
section : Cels before 1980 :
Kum Kum
Sherlock Holmes
Section : Cels from 1981 to 1985 :
Fist of the north star (Ken le survivant)
Biniki the pink Dragon
Section : Cels de 1986 a 1990 :
Dragon Ball Z
Seton Animal Chronicles (Bouba)
City Hunter (Nicky Larson)
Section : Cels from 1991 to 1995 :
Yuyu Hakusho
Slam Dunk
Section : Cels from 1996 to 2004 :
Vampire Princess muy
Blue Gender
Ebay : Dragon Ball Z
Message thread :
- Update cels Takamura Store : Naruto, City Hunter, Dragon Ball, Chobit - Aurelien from takamura-store.c (20 Mar 15h21)