Ahhhhh, my insatiable craving for RahXephon
art has put me in the poorhouse again. Bad Cindy.
BAD Cindy.
I am therefore offering up another handful of
extremely good cels to cover my new expenditures.
When AM I going to learn?
First off, let's go with this incredible creature
-- a perfect portrait of Ru Baraba Dom from
Captain Tylor, in the only moment he EVER
shouts at his empress, Azalyn. This cel comes
with production background, sketches, and copy
layout, and if it doesn't sell for $125 is most
likely heading right back into my binder forever.

Next up, something you almost never see in
Slayers -- Zelgadis actually eating. ^_^
It's one of my last few really good Zel cels, and
I'm asking $100 for him.

Then there's this rare scene of Big Mamma from
Bakuretsu Hunters, looking absolutely regal
in her reincarnated, modern-world state. I'm
asking only $45 for her, which is half of what I
paid (because I knew at the time I was overpaying,

And finally, there's this absolutely adorable shot
of Fisheye putting on his makeup and admiring
himself. **giggle** Unfortunately, I can't find
my records for the purchase of this one, so in the
absence of a set price, I'm accepting offers.
First one to sound reasonable gets it.

And that's the lot... for now. Heaven only knows
when more temptation will come my way, and I am
all too aware of my inability to resist... |