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Movie Douga vs. TV Douga.... (Tue Jul 29 23:59:56 2003 )
Agent_of_Solaris [View profile ]


Right.  I was kinda of wondering--because you 
know they show that "preview" for the movie at 
the end of the last episode, right?  But it just 
looks like scenes from the series.  Now I heard 
that the movie is the same story, told 
from "another" character's perspective, with 
about 20 min of new footage- does that mean that 
most of the movie is just scenes from the 
series?  That would explain how scenes from the 
movie can look exactly like the series.  A good 
example is Evilminion's Douga's of Mamoru from 
the end of the series(don't look if you haven't 
seen the show)- it was labeled as a movie douga 
on AM, but is the same from the scene in the 
series.....anyone know the answer?

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