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Re: The employment gods have smiled... (Fri Aug 1 09:18:51 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Well, congrats! It's a fan cel, but I don't think 
I have any happier face...
Lucky you...

I just got my review for my holiday job, filled 
in by just some colleague who has a grudge on me 
(accidentally, I hit his hat off his head). Could 
not be worse. Got an F for appearance while I 
always wear work clothes and wash my hands. Got 
some more unfair Fs. Only for my physic I got an 
A - should get, HE, a man, let me lift 150kg 
clams all by myself. In other words, I won't get 
the job again (I was perfectly fit, my colleagues 
agree). I'm so getting him by his butt for this. 
I shoulda gotten the review 2 weeks ago, not when 
it's too late...
Watch out that you never hit your colleague's hat 
down their head!


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