Thank you to all the new visitors, and all the
feedback, both here and to my email :)
To Evilminion, I've had your site bookmarked for
about two years, ever since I did a search
on "Gundam Wing" cels. ^ ^; I have to say, you
have an awesome collection! If for some reason
you EVER decide that Kurz needs a new home..LOL,
I'll take him off your hands.
To Psy and Blue_Scion, I saw your sites the same
way you saw mine originally, doing a search for
Rahxephon! Very cool collection :)
Maybe someday, if the 'update gods' smile on me,
I'll add some more Rahx to my collection. Itsuki
needs friends.
Again, thank you *bows* I look forward to
posting here.