I'd say to just post them on your site for sale,
put prices on them and then say "or best offer".
That way, people will know what you're hoping to
get for them, but at the same time you're leaving
yourself open to hearing other offers. Until you
try, you never know if you have something someone
else wants. It costs you nothing to post them for
sale -- some might sell and you don't have to
accept every highest offer you receive. (*shrug*)
If you really don't care about them anymore, as
you claim, then unload them for what you can get
for them. There's no reason to keep them around.
At this point, the way to look at it is: The
money spent on them has already long been gone
and anything you bring in from them is extra to
you now. If you sell them for less than you bought
them for, then chalk up the difference to the
cost of having amused yourself.
Many Sharp Smiles,