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Good Luck! (Fri Aug 15 16:35:30 2003 )
vamppire [View profile ]

One of my favorite shows as a kid was Fox's 
Peter Pan and the Pirates.  After getting into 
cel collecting, I went hunting for cels from the 
series, coming up with ZILCH.  Couldn't find one 
online anywhere, for sale or not.  I came across 
a posted email newsletter thing on a website, 
from the year 2000 or so, and someone there had 
listed that they had a peter pan & the pirates 
cel for sale.  I somehow traced them to ebay (I 
dont think that site had a listed or working 
email address for them), and emailed them 
through that.  Well, they responded, and they 
had 6 or 7 PP&P cels O_O  Including 2 nice pan 
cels (in the $350 range) that I may get someday 
when I get the money, if they still have them.

Anyways, I got this one, which was a much more 
modest price and the nicest out of the remaining 
lot.  The lines are hand inked ^_^  I'm thrilled 
to own a cel from the show and think it was 
pretty lucky of me to go hunting and to find a 
lead that actually worked!

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