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Re: Two questions about Cosplay Complex... (Fri Aug 15 11:47:16 2003 )
Dennis [View profile ]

I've seen it. 

It was a funny series with partially very earthy 
humor. When I watched it I described it to a 
friend as a "requital with the whole cosplay 
community" and he agreed with me. It's no 
coincidence that even the title of the OVA is 
ambiguous (because the word complex can either 
mean "the whole" or the "psychological" complex). 
The girls shown in the anime doing cosplay are - 
let's say so - not the intelligent ones (or 
better said: they are the really stupid ones ^^) 
and seem to have no other thoughts than 
cosplaying (should I say these girls all had 
a "cosplay complex"? *fg*). The boys in the 
series (aka the cosplay fans) aren't represented 
better of course, because they only want to see 
under the skirts of the - mostly permissive - 
costumes of the girls. 

I think if you're a "cosplayer" yourself 
(especially a female one, but most cosplayers are 
girls) you could find the series insulting. I 
only know a few cosplaying girls but I'm sure at 
least one of them would be upset with this 
I nevertheless aren't cosplaying and therefore I 
liked the series because it was very much fun. 

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