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Had a BAD day -- so show me cels that make you SMILE! (Sun Aug 24 04:54:21 2003 )
zerospace [View profile ]

Well, today for me was the day from hell.

First, work went really rough, and as if that 
wasn't bad enough, my fiance (4degree) called my 
cell phone to tell me that my 1 month old self-
built computer had DIED. 

DIED?!! I said? He told me that it just shut 
down on it's own while he was using it. I just 
about cried, since I spent months gathering the 
parts and about a week putting it together in my 
spare time. I even forwent any cel purchases to 
buy parts.....

So, anyway, it turned out that my power supply 
went bad, and I had to drop about 80 bucks for a 
new one.  But then he came through again, and 
bought me not only the power supply, but some 
pretty nifty new parts for my birthday -- a 
month early! What a sweetie.

So, in honor of my WONDERFUL fiance, 4Degree, 
show me cels that make you SMILE! ^_^ (I know I 
am now that my 'puter is running happily again!)

Below is my latest aquisition that makes me grin 
from ear to ear:


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