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Re: Oooooo, never never never never... today. :) (Sat Aug 30 18:58:44 2003 )
Startyde [View profile ]

I totally agree with you 100% evilminion, and 
could not put it better myself. Although, as a 
collector, it's only natural that I want the 
bigger and better item, so I guess in that 
reguard, if something I liked far more came onto 
the market, I would pretty much negotiate 
anything I had for it.

Shakes fist at Ms. Poe (You know what I'm 
talking about...lol)

Oh, and on a side note: I hear so many people 
say that they will be buried with their cels. 
Well, sorry kiddies...I for one say that when 
I'm through with life, I'm pretty much through 
with all the physical assets therein. So when I 
die, they're going to my kids, some humble 
penniless collector like me or just to some guy 
on the street. It's all good...;)

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