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SPECIAL Ayashi no Ceres Added to FS Page! + MORE INFO! (Fri Sep 5 22:50:05 2003 )
chibiusa98 [View profile ]

Hi everyone... ^_^

Well, I'm sick of being in debt (my own doing, of 
course ^_~) so I put up a special (in my opinion) 
Ayashi no Ceres cel to the for sale page.  It's a 
backgrounded A1/END complete package set-up from 
the Shuro episode.  I won't say any more because 
one of the character's... appearance itself is 
a "spoiler".  ^_^;

I've done a price cut on the other cels up there, 
but once I get my debts paid they will go back to 
their original listings, and if the group cel has 
not been sold, it will go back into my 
collection.  ^_^


I will need payment within 7 days, 14 would be a 
bit tight, but e-mail me and I'll see what I can 
do.  ^_^  If these cels sell, I may put up some 
more, depending!  There's always Christmas to 
save for, afterall.  xD

Take care!

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  • SPECIAL Ayashi no Ceres Added to FS Page! + MORE INFO! - chibiusa98 (05 Sep 22h50)

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